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- Article no: VLILOBP8010

Our employee Ingo Jüstel will be happy to assist you:
+49 7151 - 2564811 or
Dimensions: | 8000 x 10000 mm |
Heat resistance (permanent): | 1000° C |
Heat resistance (short term): | 1300° C |
Weight: | 44 kg |
Please note that the terms "fire blanket", "fire protection blanket" and "fire containment blanket" are used synonymously in the following, as the term "fire blanket" is used colloquially for this type of protective blanket. Strictly speaking, the fire is fought by limiting/containing the fire and not by actively extinguishing it.
Fires involving lithium-ion batteries continue to pose a major challenge for people and the environment. Traditional fire extinguishers have great difficulties with fires involving these energy sources.
This fire blanket is the simplest, easiest and most effective method of isolating fires involving electric vehicles or combustion engines.
If you are interested, please contact us for an individual offer. By e-mail(, via the contact form or by telephone (07151 - 2564811).
The 8x10 m size is suitable for use with cars, SUVs, minibuses, forklift trucks or similar.
Features, equipment and application of the VLITEX Premium fire blanket
The extinguishing blanket / fire blanket measures 8000 x 10000 mm and weighs 44 kg. The universally applicable VLITEX fire blankets smother or contain a wide variety of fires. The spread of fire to surrounding objects is prevented after just a few seconds. Thanks to an innovative folding mechanism, the ceiling unfolds in just a few seconds as if by itself. The special polymer coating prevents the penetration of dirt, toxic substances and oxygen.
High tear and cut resistance and non-flammability thanks to high-quality materials
The fire blanket is highly tear-resistant thanks to the glass fiber fabric with a polymer coating on both sides and has been tried and tested in numerous tests. The cut protection is certified in accordance with ISO 13997. The fire behavior corresponds to DIN EN 13501 (A2).
Certification of temperature resistance
The information regarding temperature resistance has been certified by the KIWA Institute.
Heat resistance tests by the STFI
The Saxon Textile Research Center has also carried out heat resistance tests that confirm the information provided.
Low electrical conductivity
The low electrical conductivity was certified in accordance with DIN 54345-1 (< 1.0 x 10^6 Ω). This offers the user maximum safety on electric vehicles.
Tested in the ACTS laboratory
In order to test the suitability of the VLITEX fire blankets in the event of a battery fire, a test was carried out using state-of-the-art measuring methods. The test was carried out in the laboratory of ACTS - Advanced Car Technology Systems GmbH, the competence center for vehicle safety within the Magna Steyr Group.
The extinguishing blanket / fire blanket met all expectations during the test. It is suitable as a heat shield and keeps the temperatures around the burning modules below 200 °C, allowing controlled burnout and eliminating the need to flood the modules. In addition, smoke and gases are trapped, whereby the fire blanket / fire blanket also acts as a smoke trap.
The complete test setup and procedure, as well as the observations and measurement results can be found on the manufacturer's website . This link will take you directly to the test.
The certificate can be made available on request.
Certification according to DIN SPEC 91489 incl. high temperature resistance
The fire protection ceiling is certified in accordance with DIN SPEC 91489. This procedure requires the application of 34 tests for thermal and chemical resistance as well as mechanical stability.
Further information on the DIN SPEC 91489 procedure can be found on the Vlitex homepage under the following link: Introduction to DIN SPEC 91489 test requirements
The long-term temperature resistance of VLITEX PREMIUM fire protection blankets has been confirmed by the Kiwa Institute in accordance with DIN SPEC 91489 and is 1,000 °C. The short-term temperature resistance, confirmed by Magna Steyr, is 1,300 °C.
Red bag, metal box or trolley as accessories
The "VLITEX Red Bag 100 L" or the "VLITEX Metal Box" can be ordered on request. The carrying bag is virtually airtight and water-repellent, allowing the fire blanket to be carried comfortably on the back during use. The fire blanket can be safely stored in the metal box and is quickly and easily accessible in the event of an emergency. Both are suitable for fire blankets up to a size of 8x10 m.
Alternative with VLITEX plastic trolly - safe storage and transport solution
The VLITEX plastic trolly provides a reliable and practical method of storing and easily handling VLITEX fire blankets. With its airtight locking mechanism, robust design and convenient carrying options, this trolley is the ideal choice for fire departments, fire protection experts, industrial applications and more.
Stable construction
Made from high-quality PP material, which is also used in military applications, the VLITEX safety trolley impresses with its lightness and extraordinary durability.
Safely stowed - easily transported
The materials used, similar to those used in military contexts, paired with solid and airtight closures, enable an airtight seal. This is complemented by robust castors that easily cope with uneven surfaces. This makes the trolley the ideal companion for storing and easily transporting VLITEX fire protection blankets.
Versatile and the perfect addition
The VLITEX safety trolley is the perfect answer for fire departments, fire protection experts, industry and related areas in which fire blankets play an essential role. It not only serves as a safe storage place, but also protects the surrounding area from the smell of fire and gases, especially when storing an already used blanket. The trolley perfectly complements the storage and transportation of VLITEX fire blankets. Compact dimensions and low weight: 80 x 60 x 44 cm (empty: 10.3 kg)
Airtight closure
Thanks to the airtight closure with solid clamps, the fire protection blankets are effectively protected from dust, dirt and moisture. Four handles allow effortless handling of the trolley, while the extendable handle makes it easy to roll. The wheels ensure effortless mobility of the trolley, even when fully loaded. The trolley is tested according to IP67, RohS and REACH certificates, confirming its quality and environmental friendliness.
Using the fire blanket / fire blanket - always with 2 people
The blanket is gripped by the red handles and spread out. Depending on the fire load, the fire is smothered after a few minutes. The exact application time depends on the vehicle. After removing the fire blanket, make sure that the fire does not reignite. Even after the fire has supposedly stopped, individual cells can re-ignite or react. Leave the blanket over the vehicle for the removal of crashed or "burnt" electric cars.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.
If possible, always wear personal protective equipment when working. In the event of a vehicle fire, the fire department should of course always be called for assistance. You can find a battery fire extinguishing test with the VLITEX extinguishing blanket here. The blanket prevents the fire from spreading to surrounding objects, ensures controlled burning with reduced ambient temperature and minimal smoke development and increases the fire department's scope of action.
Also for preventive use
The blanket is also suitable for safely covering endangered vehicles during storage. This means that fires with major damage can be ruled out from the outset.
Wide range of applications
The VLITEX fire blanket can be used universally and is recommended for all areas of application where there is a need for easy-to-use fire blankets - especially for electric vehicles. For example, in garages, at vehicle manufacturers, car dealerships, fire departments, garages, parking garages, logistics halls, towing services, charging stations, etc.
Extinguishing blankets for electric cars, industrial trucks and other Li-ion batteries
Fires involving electric cars and industrial trucks are a particular focus of applications. Battery-powered ants and forklift trucks have long been used in intralogistics within companies, and the number of electric cars has also increased significantly in recent years. Both types of vehicle have powerful Li-ion batteries, which pose a great danger to people and the environment in the event of a fire. With its various designs, VLITEX offers a suitable model for every application.
VLITEX - expert in the field of technical textiles
VLITEX has been working in the technical textiles market for over 20 years. The VLITEX fire blankets were created through the development of innovative products made of technical glass. A special glass fiber fabric prevents the supply of oxygen. The fire is thus smothered under the fire blanket or kept under control in the case of battery fires. In addition, both the ambient temperature and smoke development are significantly reduced. All VLITEX fire blankets are environmentally friendly, resource-saving, maintenance-free, temperature-, weather- and heat-resistant.
Efficient firefighting of battery fires - increasingly important in the future
Lithium-ion batteries will be indispensable in all industrial and increasingly also in private applications in the coming years. However, if used improperly, batteries can pose a potential hazard during production, storage and transportation that should not be underestimated. By purchasing this extinguishing blanket / fire blanket, you protect yourself from the outset against major financial damage that can be caused by battery fires, for example.
In use for you
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
About the term "fire blanket"
At EU level, there is a standard DIN EN 1869:201910 for the term extinguishing blanket / fire blanket, but this refers to the standard fire test object "deep-frying equipment with a filling quantity of max. 3 liters of cooking oil/fat", so that an extinguishing blanket / fire blanket according to the above standard is intended for extinguishing cooking oil and cooking fat fires. Please note that the products offered here do not comply with the DIN EN 1869:201910 standard and are not intended / approved for extinguishing cooking oil and cooking fat fires. The intended use of the extinguishing blanket / fire blanket presented here is to contain / fight Li-ion battery fires.
If you have any questions on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail(, via the contact form or by telephone (07151 - 2564811).
Dimensions: | 8000 x 10000 mm |
Heat resistance (permanent): | 1000° C |
Heat resistance (short term): | 1300° C |
Weight: | 44 kg |
Leider nein. Speziell Brände von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien sind chemische Brände, die sauerstoffunhabhängig sind. Sie brennen selbst dann weiter, wenn ihnen der Sauerstoff entzogen wird oder man versucht, sie herkömmlich mit Wasser zu löschen.
Die Feuerwehr setzt dennoch Wasser ein, um die brennende Batterie zu kühlen. Selbst nach Stunden kann sich ein Akku wieder selbst entzünden.
Hier helfen nur ein kontrolliertes Abbrennen und eine Brandbegrenzung, damit aufgrund der hohen Temperaturen oder austretender Flammen der Brand nicht auf die Umgebung übergreifen kann.
Der Name "Löschdecke" ist zwar landläufig, aber irreführend. Diese speziellen, hochtemperaturbeständigen Decken löschen keinen Akku- oder Batteriebrand. Was auf dem Grill noch funktioniert, geht bei Lithiumakkus nicht.
Bei Brandbegrenzungsdecken ist der Name Programm: sie begrenzen den Brand und somit auch den Schaden und geben Zeit, die örtliche Feuerwehr zu alarmieren, die über weitere Brandbekämpfungsmaßnahmen entscheidet.
Mehr zu diesem Thema in unseren Blogartikeln:
Die deutsche DIN SPEC 91489 schafft Klarheit für Interessengruppen in verschiedenen Branchen.
Die DIN SPEC 91489 enthält mehrere Anforderungen für Brandbegrenzungsdecken, die wichtigsten sind im Folgenden aufgelistet:
- Allgemeine Anforderungen
Eigenschaften wie Schlaufen, Größe der Decke, Lagerung usw. werden erwähnt. - Thermische Beständigkeit
Die DIN SPEC erfordert eine minimale ISO13591-1-Klassifizierung B. Die Fire Isolator-Löschdecken haben jedoch eine höhere (die höchste) Klassifizierung: A1. - Mechanische Stabilität
Widerstand gegen Schneiden, Stabilität der Schlaufen usw. - Elektrostatische Ladung
- Schutz vor elektrischem Schlag
- Chemische Beständigkeit
- Kennzeichnungen
- Herstellerinformationen
- Mindestinhalt des Prüfberichts
- Schulung für den Einsatz durch Ersthelfer
Die DIN SPEC 91489 verlangt, dass Löschdecken schnell und einfach von zwei geschulten Einsatzkräften eingesetzt werden können, die persönliche Schutzausrüstung und Atemschutzgeräte tragen.
Im Falle eines Batteriebrandes verschafft eine solche Decke wertvolle Zeit, um die Feuerwehr zu alarmieren und das Übergreifen der Flammen zu verhindern. Dies trifft für alle möglichen Einsatzzwecke zu, sei es ein Handy, ein Laptop, ein E-Scooter, ein Werksroboter oder ein E-Auto.
Diese Frage wird die örtliche Feuerwehr beantworten, denn diese ist immer zu alarmieren und sie leitet weitere Brandbekämpfungsmaßnahmen ein.
Es ist hochgefährlich, ein brennendes E-Auto unter einer solchen Decke ausbrennen zu lassen und zu warten, bis alles vorbei ist. Ein Akkubrand könnte sich tagelang hinziehen und sich immer wieder neu entzünden. Beim Brand entstehen u.a. giftige Gase, die man schnellstmöglich eindämmen muss.
Die richtige Größe der Brandbegrenzungsdecke richtet sich maßgeblich nach dem brennenden Gegenstand und dessen Größe. Ein E-Scooter benötigt eine kleinere Decke als ein E-Auto oder ein Gabelstapler.
Messen Sie grob nach, wie groß die Decke sein muss, damit sie um den Gegenstand herum noch ca. 1-2m glatt auf dem Boden aufliegt. Vergessen Sie die Höhe nicht (z.B. SUV). Nur so kann sichergestellt werden, dass giftige Gase zum Großteil unter der Decke bleiben und dass Flammen keine Chance haben, die Umgebung des Brandherdes in Brand zu stecken.
Hier einige Beispiel für gängige Größen:
Größere Fahrzeuge wie Kombi, SUV, Limousine, Gabelstapler: Die Brandbegrenzungsdecke sollte mindestens 6x8m groß sein (Höhe des Fahrzeugs mit berücksichtigen)
Mittlere Fahrzeuggröße: Die Brandbegrenzungsdecke sollte mindestens 5x6m groß sein
Kleinere Elektrofahrzeuge, z.B. Lagerroboter: Die Brandbegrenzungsdecke sollte mindestens 3x4m groß sein
Geräte Akkus, wie Akkuschrauber, Gartengeräte: Die Brandbegrenzungsdecke sollte mindestens 1,5x1,5m groß sein
Handys und Laptops: Die Brandbegrenzungsdecke sollte mindestens 1,5x1,5m groß sein
Auch materialseitig gibt es Unterschiede. Die Brandbegrenzungsdecken unterscheiden sich z.B. durch die Zusammensetzung, die Materialstärke und die Temperaturbeständigkeit. Dies ist z.B. ausschlaggebend, wenn die Decken direkt auf Batterien, nicht verbaut, wie bspw. in Fahrzeugen eingesetzt werden sollen.
Vergessen Sie bei der Anschaffung nicht das Gewicht der Decken. Eine große Decke wiegt schnell 25-45 kg. Hier gibt es z.B. die Aufbewahrungsmöglichkeit in einem Trolley.
Im Falle eines Brandes und des aktiven Einsatzes der Decke, nein. Wir raten davon dringend ab. Erstens können durch die extremen Temperaturen Schäden am Material entstehen, die von Laien nicht zuverlässig beurteilt werden können und zweitens entstehen bei Bränden giftige Gase, die gesundheitsschädlich sind und sich am Material festsetzen.
Ohne einen Schadensfall kann die Decke immer wieder zum Schutz verwendet werden.
Auch hier ist die Größe und das Brandverhalten des Objekts entscheidend. Ein E-Bike Akku erreicht andere Temperaturen als der Brand eines E-Autos.
Beim Brand eines E-Fahrzeuges treten Temperaturen von bis zu 1.000°C auf - kurzfristig aber auch Spitzen von 1.200°C.
Eine genaue Aussage über die entstehenden Temperaturen und die Branddauer ist, aufgrund des unterschiedlichen Brandverhalten, seriös zu treffen.